Oxygen is the album I started writing after the birth of our twins and the diagnosis of our daughter's Cerebral Palsy. Her condition is from a lack of Oxygen in the womb.

The music is an encapsulation of that experience as a first time dad through the lens of hope. It's a love letter to my family.

It features the London Contemporary Orchestra.

I hope u enjoy.


Brendan Angelides — ‘Oxygen’ (Ancestor, 9.29.23)
feat The London Contemporary Orchestra

  1. This New Fire

  2. Aeon

  3. 14 Moons

  4. Oxygen

  5. Transforming The Unwell

  6. A Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes

  7. Sur La Route

  8. Along The Edge

  9. Hang On Little Ones

  10. Ascend Down

  11. Breathe For Three

Mixing: Chris Tabron
Mastering: Reuben Cohen
Cover: Eric Hu Studio

London Contemporary Orchestra

conductor and orchestrator
Robert Ames

leader and solo violin
Galya Bisengalieva

first violins
Galya Bisengalieva
Charlotte Reid
Marianne Haynes
Anna De Bruin
Antonia Kesel
Charis Jenson
Gillon Cameron
Edward McCullagh

second violins
Sophie Mather
Patrick Dawkins
Nicole Crespo O’Donoghue
Guy Button
Violeta Barrena Vicci
Nicole Stokes

Brian O'Kane
David Lale
Jonny Byers
Reinoud Ford
Daisy Vatalaro
Sergio Serra

lco recording projects manager
Meg Monteith

lco orchestra manager
Amy Hinds

Alastair Putt

LCO website


Echo Society Vol 1 (2020)